Capricorn 15
Capricorn 15 is a palladium-silver alloy with coordinated mechanical and physical properties for conventional feldspar ceramics.
- Economical due to low density
- Good melting and flow properties
- Easy finishing and polishing
- Suitable for the Metal-Ceramics from Ivoclar Vivadent and conventional feldspar ceramics
- Certified biocompatibility
- Onlays
- Inlays
- Partial crowns
- Single crowns
- Telescope and conus crowns
- Root canal posts
- Short- and long-span bridges
- Implant superstructures
- Model casts
Au 15.0
Pd 51.9
Ag 23.0
In 8.0
Ga 2.0
Re < 1.0
Ru < 1.0Technical data
Type 4
Colour white
Density (g/cm³) 11.5
Melting range (°C) 1230 - 1310
Casting temperature (°C) 1365 - 1425
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) 101.000
CTE 25 – 500 °C 14.3
CTE 20 – 600 °C 14.5
Elongation (%) 21.0
Vickers hardness 255
0.2% proof stress (MPa) 490- Read more