G-aenial Anterior/Posterior
Effortlessly beautiful restorations achieved with this all-round composite restorative material
G-ænial is the material of choice when you are looking for a restorative that will meet the aesthetic expectations of all your patients - in most cases with only one shade.
Being a forgiving composite that offers beautiful and natural looking high gloss restorations whilst being extremely easy to use, makes it a composite suited to everyday use.
G-ænial also gives you more working time so you are free to shape and sculpt it to obtain the ideal anatomical form and aesthetics with ease.Advantages:
- Excellent handling
- Effortless manipulation
- Excellent consistency and working times suited for every dentist’s needs
- Natural reflectivity creates invisibility
- High light scattering properties creates chameleon effect
- Forward thinking shading concept
- Standard Shades In cases where no layering is required
- Outside Special Shades to replace enamel
- Inside special shades to add opacity
- Polish quickly and easily into a smooth and glossy surface
- Featuring GC patented High Density Radiopaque (HDR) Technology, G-ænial is easily traceable through x-rays
- Tough and flexible
- High fracture toughness and flexural strength
- Low modulus of elasticity to avoid bending and occlusal forces, as well as spreading of cracks
G-ænial Anterior- Direct restorative for class III, IV, V cavities
- For wedge-shaped defects and root surface cavities
- For veneers and diastema closure
G-ænial Posterior
- Direct restorative for class I and II cavities
*G-ænial is a high strength, low shrinkage stress composite. Both Anterior and Posterior shades can have universal application (anterior shades can be used in posterior restorations and vice versa)
G-ænial ANTERIOR Quick Start Kit Syringe: 7 x 2.7mL (4.7g) syringes of A1, A2, A3, B2, JE, AE, IE & a shade guide
G-ænial ANTERIOR 2.7mL (4.7g) Syringe XBW / BW / A1 / A2 / A3 / A3.5 / A4 / B1 / B2 / B3 / C3 / CV / CVD / AO2 / AO3 / AO4 / JE / AE / SE / IE / TE / CVE
G-ænial POSTERIOR 2.7mL (5.5g) Syringe P-A1 / P-A2 / P-A3 / P-A3.5 / P-JE / P-IE- Read more